Inspired 21st century Technology

The modern day  Gaming controller Is more advanced than it has ever been. from the newest Xbox One with voice activation software Integrated into its controller to the PlayStation 4 which has a unique touch screen and Light spectacles that match and sync with whatever is happening in the game. The evolution of the controller is something that is drastically noticeable and very much improved all around. There are many benefits within the new controllers which would not have been possible without the trial and error of many of the predecessors. Ideas were brought to life from complaints and reviews of the users, and they were all constantly worked on to improve the quality and more importantly the performance of the controller itself. People don't want to have to feel like they're controller is holding them back from their capabilities and that's why the controller must be as simple and high standard as it should be.

From the first Nintendo console to the N64, and all the way to the early stages of the PlayStation, such as the PS1, all of these consoles controllers had a wide variety of flaws that varied from person to person. Either the controller would be too small, the controller was hard to grip, it was not durable, or even the fact that people just didn't like the design and style of it, complaints would occur all day. This was around the time when gains were beginning to become more popular, and although people found it weird to navigate these controllers there were also amazed because this is all so new to them.

The Nintendo's first controller was rectangular-shaped with two buttons on the right and  an arrow key on the left. It was a very small controller which made it difficult for people with big hands as myself to grip it easily without much problems. Being rectangular-shaped also caused for the controller to become painful at times due to its sharp edges which would begin digging into your skin overtime which caused discomfort. When you pick up a controller to play a game you usually play for a while and not a short amount of time so this  was a big problem during this time. With the controller being so small that also caused for the buttons to be even smaller. When trying to  push a certain button your fingers might unintentionally hit another button simultaneously on accident which really puts a hurt on the performance of the game and surely gets annoying at some point.

the N64 was definitely a step towards the right direction but it also was nowhere near a flawless controller. With the integration of new features such as an analog stick, bumper keys and more buttons,the game play performance had a noticeable positive change and also this allowed the possibility of new features to be implemented into the game itself. Unlike the original Nintendo console controller,  the N64 was much larger compared to it's previous. People with smaller hands had a difficult time gripping the controller and  maneuvering around it. Also another flaw with this controller was that the analog stick was placed in the middle which was a bad move  on the developer's behalf. Having to reach to the middle of the controller in order to get access to the analog stick was really a burden because often times people mistakenly pressed keys while trying to use the analog stick. The design of the controller was also something that was lacking in my personal opinion. It had two normal grips that you would hold on to, one on the left and one on the right, but it  also had a grip that was longer and larger in both length and width . It had no real purpose and was only there for show and to get in the way.

As time went on more and more consoles were beginning to come out and new controllers began to be designed. It wasn't until the PlayStation came out, more so the PlayStation 2, where everything changed and seemed perfect. The PlayStation 2 controller had a reasonable size, well-placed buttons, two analog sticks that could easily be reached and controlled by both hands, and a slick modern design that everyone seemed to love. It was also very lightweight and easy to maneuver, but this only caused the lack of durability. Many people would find their PS2 controllers breaking in a very short amount of time. Either the software would just not work or  the controller itself will begin to bridle away and start losing keys. It was a very annoying because these controllers were not cheap and they were very fragile. Video games have the tendency to bring out anger and people so this was just not a good combination. The Xbox was also a similar contender with many of the same problems. There is a huge debate on which is better, the Xbox or the PlayStation but both are great and bad in their own unique ways.

Today's present controllers are more advanced than ever as I stated before. They are packed with technology such as voice activation software, lights that react simultaneously with the gameplay, and even touch screens integrated within the controller itself. The performance and the quality of the controllers now are better than they have ever been before and it's only because of the influence of previous creations within the controllers. Today's controllers also have the power to influence many new ideas and different fields of work. For example, controllers can be  used in the medical field by surgeons for help with robotic surgery. It can help with precision and control in complex surgeries. Controllers can also be used in the future to control planes and replace pilots from being in the air. They can also be used for military weapons for more accurate and safe situations which would help save innocent lives. The possibilities with a controller are endless and they will constantly open up new doors for humans and will make life much easier.


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