_                     _   _            _                 _                    
            | |                   | | | |          | |               | |                   
   __ _ _ __| |_    __ _ _ __   __| | | |_ ___  ___| |__  _ __   ___ | | ___   __ _ _   _  
  / _` | '__| __|  / _` | '_ \ / _` | | __/ _ \/ __| '_ \| '_ \ / _ \| |/ _ \ / _` | | | | 
 | (_| | |  | |_  | (_| | | | | (_| | | ||  __/ (__| | | | | | | (_) | | (_) | (_| | |_| | 
  \__,_|_|   \__|  \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|  \__\___|\___|_| |_|_| |_|\___/|_|\___/ \__, |\__, | 
                                                                               __/ | __/ | 
                                                                              |___/ |___/ 

ASCll Art Is an astonishing and complicated skill to learn. It is a true eye opener that art is in everything that you see today. You can make art with paint, pencils, food, objects, sounds, and just about anything you could ever think of, but did you know that you can make beautiful and complex art through symbols on a keyboard? It sounds crazy but people actually put their time into making beautiful pictures with just the fonts that they have on a computer.  From replicas of the beautiful and priceless Mona Lisa, to pictures of cats with top hats, you can find almost everything in ASCII style art nowadays because someone has most likely put it to life on their screen already.

I cannot even begin to think about the time and the effort that it must take to actually put one of these pieces of art together.  The artist has nothing to go off of except for their brain power which is an incredibly difficult task.  I see vivid pictures of cartoons I know, and famous actors and I'm just astonished that they managed to paint that clear of an image with only symbols that I use to help myself write a paper. The only ASCII art that I was familiar of was its most simple and basic form in which it could possibly get... the colon and parentheses ( :) ).  You would think that these simple text art would be the peak of what art can achieve within this category but you would be incredibly mistaken after a little searching on the web.

Being in an art class, I think that this would make an awesome project to be assigned to us. I would like to see the creativity that both me and my classmates share. It might be one of the hardest art projects I could get but art is just one big, beautiful challenge  so that is to be expected. I think that this ASCII art is so extraordinary because of the tools that are being used to make it and just the amount of knowledge and patience that is  applied to it. You don't have to be good with paint and a canvas nor a pencil and paper to make astounding art,  there are tools all over you that are capable of making the same unique art that is shown hanging up in museums. It just depends on how far your imagination can travel.


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