Life as a college student sure does sound like one big hoorah when your young and have been stuck in your parents house, under their rules your whole life. But with all the fun comes much more stress and responsibility and thats what I tried to capture here in this clip. The first months of college are always a blast and the most exciting time of our lives but as time goes on the work just piles up more and more,day by day. At times youll feel so overwhelmed and feel like you cant relax or take a break because it will only further the stress but that is not true. Learn how to take a break and regroup with your life or surroundings. Call your parents, text your life long friend, do something that eases your mind and doesnt make you feel like theres an elephant on your chest. College isnt as serious and important as you think it is but your health surely is!!! EAT, SLEEP, WORK, PARTY, AND REPEAT!